Происшествия и новости о ДТП в Константиновке и Донецкой области | ZI.ua
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Employees of Donbass Water Company came under fire. There are wounded people
Employees of Donbass Water Company came under fire. There are wounded people
The car ZIL-131, on which the staff moved, completely burned down due to the ammunition that fell into it.
Huge icicles and fallen trees: bad weather in Donetsk
Huge icicles and fallen trees: bad weather in Donetsk
Local residents in social networks warn of danger.
Consequences of the explosion in the high-rise building in Mariupol: 9 apartments were left without gas supply
Consequences of the explosion in the high-rise building in Mariupol: 9 apartments were left without gas supply
After the rupture of a grenade in the apartment of a nine-storey building along Stroiteley Avenue 193, nine neighboring apartments were left without gas supply.
Two robbers "traded" free life for scrap metal in Kramatorsk
Two robbers "traded" free life for scrap metal in Kramatorsk
The mistress of the house noticed in her yard two men collecting metal objects. However, they were not going to run away, so the victim had to protect her property.
Three ambulances stuck on the roads of the Donetsk region
Three ambulances stuck on the roads of the Donetsk region
There was a pregnant woman in one of the emergency medicine cars.
13 cities and villages were left without electricity due to bad weather
13 cities and villages were left without electricity due to bad weather
At the moment, repairs are actively carried out.
"Shadow lumberjacks" from Kramatorsk caused damage to the state in 250 thousand UAH
"Shadow lumberjacks" from Kramatorsk caused damage to the state in 250 thousand UAH
Under the procedural guidance of the local prosecutor's office of Slavyansk, a pre-trial investigation was completed in 4 criminal proceedings related to illegal cutting of trees.
Two accidents happened in Bakhmut before the New Year
Two accidents happened in Bakhmut before the New Year
Four people suffered on the roads.
Explosion occurred in the house of culture in the Lugansk region
Explosion occurred in the house of culture in the Lugansk region
The outbreak of fire destroyed the doors, plastic windows, interior decoration and damaged the walls of the building.
Railway bridge pillar over the bypass road Slavyansk – Mariupol was undermined in Donetsk
Railway bridge pillar over the bypass road Slavyansk – Mariupol was undermined in Donetsk
The undermining was organized on the stretch of Chumakovo - Larino, 27 km.
Collapse of a multi-story building occurred in Magnitogorsk
Collapse of a multi-story building occurred in Magnitogorsk
It is known that three people died, the fate of another 79 is unknown.
What is the number of victims of mine explosions in the Donbass in 2018?
What is the number of victims of mine explosions in the Donbass in 2018?
In 2018, 10 people died from explosions.
A man died at a bus stop in Kramatorsk
A man died at a bus stop in Kramatorsk
An elderly man died at a bus stop in the center of Kramatorsk.
Part of Mariupol remained without electricity
Part of Mariupol remained without electricity
It is not reported when will the electricity be resumed. Water supply is promised to be restored in the evening.
104 settlements are left without electricity in Ukraine
104 settlements are left without electricity in Ukraine
"There are 104 settlements in five regions which are de-energized, namely, Dnipropetrovsk - 65, Poltava - 18, Kirovograd - 10, Donetsk - 8 and Chernivtsi - 3," – the report said.
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