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Borys Kolesnikov: Ukraine should hold its course on independence from external forces
Borys Kolesnikov: Ukraine should hold its course on independence from external forces
This was stated by Borys Kolesnikov, the Prime Minister of the opposition government on the air of the "Ukraine" TV channel.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 16
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 16
How much will the restoration of Syria cost?
How much will the restoration of Syria cost?
Bashar Assad said that the restoration of Syria will cost about 400 billion dollars after the missile attacks. This number was mentioned by the Syrian President at a meeting with deputies from Russia.
The US concerned about the possible radioactive contamination of the Donbass
The US concerned about the possible radioactive contamination of the Donbass
Due to the cessation of pumping water from the mine "Young Communard" in the Donbass, serious radioactive contamination is possible. The US Embassy is concerned about this issue.
NATO and the UN call an emergency meeting due to the attack in Syria
NATO and the UN call an emergency meeting due to the attack in Syria
Today, the North Atlantic alliance held an emergency meeting due to the attack by the Coalition forces on facilities in Syria.
Ukraine has been covered by anticyclone: A fire danger situation occured
Ukraine has been covered by anticyclone: A fire danger situation occured
Ukrainians stepped out of the winter in the summer at once.
Kolesnikov: “The departure of millions of Ukrainians abroad is a threat to the economic security of the country”
Kolesnikov: “The departure of millions of Ukrainians abroad is a threat to the economic security of the country”
"I believe that the departure of millions of Ukrainians abroad is a threat to the economic security of the country. In this case, we will not have the resources either to pay pensions or to maintain local councils. Generally speaking, all money will remain abroad. Accor...
Borys Kolesnikov: The level of material and technical base allows Ukraine successfully modernizing its own Armed Forces
Borys Kolesnikov: The level of material and technical base allows Ukraine successfully modernizing its own Armed Forces
The material and technical base of today's Ukraine can successfully restore the country's defense capability. Such an opinion was expressed by Borys Kolesnikov, the Prime Minister of the Opposition government on the air of the television channel “NewsOne”.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 13
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 13
The minimum wage may be raised in Ukraine
The minimum wage may be raised in Ukraine
Now this issue is discussed in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Kolesnikov: “Ukraine has already lost the gas transportation system, and $4 billion annually with it”
Kolesnikov: “Ukraine has already lost the gas transportation system, and $4 billion annually with it”
Borys Kolesnikov spoke on the air of the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. The studio discussed issues related to the Nord Stream and the fact how the loss of transit and the point of profitability of the Ukrainian gas transportation system will affect Ukrainian citizens. Also,...
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 12
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 12
Savchenko and three other people's deputies never submitted their declarations
Savchenko and three other people's deputies never submitted their declarations
In the Unified State Register of Declarations of persons who are authorized to perform state functions or functions of local self-government, approximately 5 people's deputies did not submit their declarations on April 1 of the current year.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 11
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, April 11
Rescuers of Kramatorsk evacuated people from the cinema
Rescuers of Kramatorsk evacuated people from the cinema
Employees of the 12th State Fire and Rescue Squad of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine had evacuated people from the “Rodina” cinema and called the fire protection service in Kramatorsk.
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