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Slavyansk abjudged money of the European Union for the unfinished housing for settlers
Slavyansk abjudged money of the European Union for the unfinished housing for settlers
The project of reconstruction of two hostels in housing for IDPs was closed in Slavyansk. The court recovered 94 thousand UAH from the contractor for failure to perform works on one of the objects.
Use of palm oil in products can be banned in Ukraine
Use of palm oil in products can be banned in Ukraine
The Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis the draft law “On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Prohibition of the Use of Palm Oil in the Food Industry”.
UN peacekeepers should control the whole occupied territory of Ukraine up to the border with the Russian Federation – Kurt Volker
UN peacekeepers should control the whole occupied territory of Ukraine up to the border with the Russian Federation – Kurt Volker
Kurt Volker, the US Special Representative for Ukraine, considers the RF proposal on the deployment of a peace-support mission to be unacceptable only on the contact line in the Donbass.
Borys Kolesnikov: The sooner the Donbass returns, the easier it will be for Ukraine
Borys Kolesnikov: The sooner the Donbass returns, the easier it will be for Ukraine
Borys Kolesnikov, the Prime Minister of the Opposition government, said this on the air of the “NewsOne” channel on Tuesday, May 15.
Hospital in the cities of Donbass will receive ambulance cars from Germany
Hospital in the cities of Donbass will receive ambulance cars from Germany
Medical facilities in Avdeevka, Popasnaya, Toretsk and Svetlodarsk will acquire new vehicles.
Volker, the US Special Representative, arrives in the Donbass
Volker, the US Special Representative, arrives in the Donbass
It is expected that the special representative would announce financial assistance for the eastern part of Ukraine.
Verkhovna Rada gathers signatures for impeachment of Poroshenko
Verkhovna Rada gathers signatures for impeachment of Poroshenko
On the initiative of the Party of Mikheil Saakashvili, the Verkhovna Rada began collecting signatures for impeachment of Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian President.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, May 15
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, May 15
The US will allocate 125 million dollars for the development of Donbass
The US will allocate 125 million dollars for the development of Donbass
The funds will be directed to technical assistance “for the territories that have been affected by the influence of Russian aggression”.
Borys Kolesnikov: Peace and new Constitution will make it possible for Ukraine to overcome the crisis and revive the economy
Borys Kolesnikov: Peace and new Constitution will make it possible for Ukraine to overcome the crisis and revive the economy
In mid-September, the Opposition government will present the final draft of the new Ukrainian Constitution. This was stated by Borys Kolesnikov, the Prime Minister of the Opposition government during the round table “Dualism of power and ways out of the crisis”.
“Ukrzaliznytsya” will launch a pilot project on nutrition in trains
“Ukrzaliznytsya” will launch a pilot project on nutrition in trains
Kravtsov told reporters that a pilot project on nutrition in trains, similar to airline food, would start in Ukraine.
Delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly visited the Donetsk region
Delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly visited the Donetsk region
The delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, headed by the President Giorgi Tsereteli, paid a working visit to the Donetsk region. The delegation was also visited by Arthur Gerasimov, the chairman of the parliamentary faction "BPP", who heads the permanent delegat...
Coal production has decreased in Ukraine
Coal production has decreased in Ukraine
Coal-mining enterprises significantly reduced the extraction of raw materials on the territory of Ukraine. On average, its number decreased by 7.3%.
Borys Kolesnikov: The conflict in the Donbass and privatization
Borys Kolesnikov: The conflict in the Donbass and privatization
According to Borys Kolesnikov, the process is not important, the result is important.
The OSCE is outraged by the attempted arson of the Inter TV channel building
The OSCE is outraged by the attempted arson of the Inter TV channel building
The OSCE called upon by the Ukrainian authorities to investigate the attack on the Inter TV channel, which took place on May 9.
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