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Poroshenko violated the law by appointing Zhebrivskyi the auditor of the NABU – the Anti-Corruption Action Centre
Poroshenko violated the law by appointing Zhebrivskyi the auditor of the NABU – the Anti-Corruption Action Centre
Elena Scherban, the lawyer of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre, believes that Pavel Zhebrivskyi, the former chairman of the Donetsk Regional Civil-Military Administration, was appointed to the post of auditor of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau for the quota of the ...
Poroshenko appointed Zhebrivskyi the auditor of the NABU
Poroshenko appointed Zhebrivskyi the auditor of the NABU
Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, appointed Pavel Zhebrivskyi the auditor of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU).
The death rate exceeded the birth rate by half in Ukraine
The death rate exceeded the birth rate by half in Ukraine
Population decline exceeds the numbers for the same period last year in the country, the State Statistical Service of Ukraine reported.
Denisova stated the failure of arrangements on visits to political prisoners in Russia
Denisova stated the failure of arrangements on visits to political prisoners in Russia
Lyudmila Denisova, the human-rights ombudsman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, stated that the arrangements on visits to Ukrainian political prisoners in the Russian Federation were not fulfilled.
Canada is ready to provide Ukraine with lethal arms for 9.5 million dollars
Canada is ready to provide Ukraine with lethal arms for 9.5 million dollars
Canada can transfer to Ukraine such arms as sniper rifles and rear sights to them, C6 machine guns, Carl Gustav recoilless rifles, mortars, night vision devices and some medical supplies.
EU reproved the Russian Federation of human rights abuse
EU reproved the Russian Federation of human rights abuse
The European Union reproved Russia of human rights abuse during the World Cup.
The Supreme Council of Justice approved the creation of the anti-corruption court
The Supreme Council of Justice approved the creation of the anti-corruption court
The Supreme Council of Justice supported the presidential bill “On the establishment of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court”.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, June 18
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, June 18
The US Department of State on shelling of the OSCE mission in the Donbass
The US Department of State on shelling of the OSCE mission in the Donbass
Heather Nauert, the spokesperson of the US Department of State, called on the Russian Federation and the military entities under its control to stop shelling on the OSCE monitors in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine aiming to prevent their activities.
Avakov spoke about the mechanism of “small steps” during the de-occupation of the Donbass
Avakov spoke about the mechanism of “small steps” during the de-occupation of the Donbass
Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, believes that the mechanism of counterpropaganda must work in the case of de-occupation of certain regions of the Donbass.
Reequiped checkpoints were opened in the Donbass
Reequiped checkpoints were opened in the Donbass
The first reconstructed checkpoints were opened in the Donetsk region. They are completely redesigned and equipped with modern technology.
OSCE monitors were under fire in the Volnovakha region
OSCE monitors were under fire in the Volnovakha region
The incident occurred on June 14 in the village of Pikuzy in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region. The monitors of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE came under fire from small arms.
8 parties have a chance to get into the parliament
8 parties have a chance to get into the parliament
As of May 2018, 8 political parties can enter the parliament, two of which are on the verge of the electoral threshold.
Druzhkovka: It is possible to sign the declaration with a doctor not only in the hospital, but in the Centre for the Delivery of Administrative Services
Druzhkovka: It is possible to sign the declaration with a doctor not only in the hospital, but in the Centre for the Delivery of Administrative Services
A representative of the city's medical institutions will be working in the Centre for the Delivery of Administrative Services for completion the declarations with a doctor.
The number of Ukrainians who have been selected for the UN peacekeepers was named recently
The number of Ukrainians who have been selected for the UN peacekeepers was named recently
All the candidates confirmed knowledge of a foreign language, passed exams on driving a car and fired from a Makarov gun.
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