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Groysman suggests reviewing the projects implemented in the Donbass
Groysman suggests reviewing the projects implemented in the Donbass
V. Groysman believes that in order to increase the efficiency of using budgetary funds, it is necessary to review all projects that are being implemented in the Donbass.
Donetsk farmers were taught how not to trip a mine
Donetsk farmers were taught how not to trip a mine
On Tuesday, July 3, a training seminar was held in the settlement of Mangush. It was organized by representatives of the Ministry of Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine.
“Say “no” to closure of mines!” – Miners from all over Ukraine are protesting beneath the walls of the Verkhovna Rada
“Say “no” to closure of mines!” – Miners from all over Ukraine are protesting beneath the walls of the Verkhovna Rada
Loud miners’ posters urge the authorities to move from words to actions.
Groysman threatens to use the AFU to fight smuggling
Groysman threatens to use the AFU to fight smuggling
Groysman also noted the irreconcilable fight against smuggling and the readiness to use all possible resources in it, including asking for help from the AFU.
The National Police Day is celebrated in Ukraine
The National Police Day is celebrated in Ukraine
Today, on July 4, Arsen Avakov, the Minister of the Interior, congratulated colleagues on the National Police Day of Ukraine.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, July 4
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, July 4
Updated information.
Mass strike of miners begins in Kiev
Mass strike of miners begins in Kiev
Mikhail Volynets, the head of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine, said that the miners planned to start a mass strike in the capital on July 5.
Humanitarian center stopped its work at the “Majorsk” Checkpoint due to smuggling
Humanitarian center stopped its work at the “Majorsk” Checkpoint due to smuggling
The humanitarian and logistic center at the “Majorsk” Checkpoint has temporarily suspended its work in June.
180 tons of humanitarian supplies by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation were delivered to Mariupol
180 tons of humanitarian supplies by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation were delivered to Mariupol
Today, 180 tons of supplies for the peaceful population of the Donbass from the Humanitarian Center of Rinat Akhmetov arrived to the Mariupol distribution center. Nine trucks delivered food for civilians from 32 front-line settlements.
The White House does not intend to recognize the annexation of the Crimea
The White House does not intend to recognize the annexation of the Crimea
The United States does not recognize the annexation of the Crimea by Russia, so trade restrictions against Moscow will continue to operate.
Ukraine reduced gas transit by 7.7%
Ukraine reduced gas transit by 7.7%
During the first half of 2018, the transit of natural gas to Europe via Ukraine was more than 42 billion cubic meters.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, July 3
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, July 3
Updated information.
Ukraine increased the production of dairy products
Ukraine increased the production of dairy products
According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the production of milk, cheese and non-condensed cream (fat content from 1% to 6%) increased by 1.6% in the current year in Ukraine, compared to the same period last year.
Settlers will be protected by the mobile app
Settlers will be protected by the mobile app
If you are a settler or a person who has suffered from sexual violence, then now there is a special mobile application for you. It's called “Your right” and it was created due to the United Nations Development Programme, with the support of the Government of the Netherl...
Subsistence minimum was increased from the 1st of July in Ukraine
Subsistence minimum was increased from the 1st of July in Ukraine
Today, on July 1, there was another increase in the subsistence minimum for Ukrainians. It was increased by 77 UAH and is 1777 UAH now.
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