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Ukraine closes two checkpoints at the administrative border with the Crimea due to the ecological disaster in Armyansk
Ukraine closes two checkpoints at the administrative border with the Crimea due to the ecological disaster in Armyansk
Checkpoints are closed in order to protect people's lives and health
"Stanitsa Luganskaya" Checkpoint resumes its work
"Stanitsa Luganskaya" Checkpoint resumes its work
Representatives of the Lugansk Regional State Administration said that the opening of the "Stanitsa Luganskaya" Checkpoint would take place on Saturday, September 8. Currently, the facility is coming to the end of the repair work.
The IMF mission started working in Kiev
The IMF mission started working in Kiev
The work of the International Monetary Fund Mission, headed by Ron van Rooden, started in the Ukrainian capital.
Another route of public transport will be opened in Kramatorsk
Another route of public transport will be opened in Kramatorsk
Elena Bakhmetyeva, the head of the department of transport, communications and energy, told that in the near future a new route of public transport would be opened in Kramatorsk.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, September 6
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, September 6
Updated information.
International reserves of Ukraine significantly decreased
International reserves of Ukraine significantly decreased
The size of Ukraine's international reserves declined by 520 million dollars.
Extremely high fire danger will remain in the Donetsk region until September 7
Extremely high fire danger will remain in the Donetsk region until September 7
Only in the past 24 hours, 19 fires of dry grass and garbage were eliminated in Mangushsky, Bakhmutsky, Mariinsky, Slavyansky, Aleksandrovsky, Dobropolsky, Pokrovsky and Limansky districts, as well as in Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Avdeevka and Toretsk.
Residents of the Donbass will receive help in the amount of two million euros
Residents of the Donbass will receive help in the amount of two million euros
The assistance from the UNICEF Children's Fund will be provided to families on both border lines.
Ukraine made a voluntary contribution to the budget of the Council of Europe
Ukraine made a voluntary contribution to the budget of the Council of Europe
Ukraine thus supported the Council of Europe, which is suffering blackmail from the Russian Federation.
436 people got sick with measles over the past week in Ukraine
436 people got sick with measles over the past week in Ukraine
Over the last week, 436 patients with measles were registered in Ukraine. There are 214 adults and 222 children among them.
Analogue television will not be disconnected in the Donbass
Analogue television will not be disconnected in the Donbass
Residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions still have time to switch to digital television.
Inclusive classes were opened in Konstantinovka
Inclusive classes were opened in Konstantinovka
Children with special needs are engaged with their peers already in two schools of the city.
Police of the Donetsk region was replenished with military working dog teams to search for explosive objects
Police of the Donetsk region was replenished with military working dog teams to search for explosive objects
Military working dog teams from the Zakarpattya, Sumy, Ternopil and Kharkiv regions came to the dog training center of the Police of the Donetsk region. The main tasks of the quadruped “detectives”" will be the search for explosive objects and weapons. Also, the service...
The first flight Ryanair flew off from the Ukrainian airport
The first flight Ryanair flew off from the Ukrainian airport
The first flight Ryanair flew off from Kiev filled to 100%.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, September 4
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, September 4
Updated information.
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