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Ministry of Healthcare discovered illegal embezzlement for 220 million UAH in Odessa Medical University
Ministry of Healthcare discovered illegal embezzlement for 220 million UAH in Odessa Medical University
The Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine has completed an audit against the ex-rector of the Odessa Medical University Valery Zaporozhan. As a result of the inspection, which took place from July 13 to August 27, 2018, gross violations of the former university management w...
Viktor Yushchenko may head the Ukrainian side in the Trilateral Contact Group
Viktor Yushchenko may head the Ukrainian side in the Trilateral Contact Group
The third president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, may become the new representative of the Ukrainian side in the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk. Anonymous sources close to the negotiation process note that Yushchenko is considered the favorite.
Donetsk filtering station stooped its work in Avdeevka
Donetsk filtering station stooped its work in Avdeevka
A scheduled replacement of equipment is being carried out.
Pharmacies in Ukraine began to receive flu vaccines – Ministry of Healthcare
Pharmacies in Ukraine began to receive flu vaccines – Ministry of Healthcare
Over the coming weeks, all 350,000 doses of flu vaccines will be delivered to pharmacies.
National Contact Center for Healthcare Services will operate in Ukraine
National Contact Center for Healthcare Services will operate in Ukraine
The contact center began its operation on October 8.
Donetsk filtering station will be stopped for a day
Donetsk filtering station will be stopped for a day
The work of the Donetsk filtering station (DFS) will be suspended in the uncontrolled part of the Donetsk region due to the lack of electricity. This was reported on October 8 by the press service of the Donetsk Company “Water of Donbass”, local Internet resources write...
Quality of drinking water has deteriorated in Mariupol
Quality of drinking water has deteriorated in Mariupol
The city’s water supply company said that the company did not have the technical ability to influence the quality of drinking water.
Civil-military administration will not be created in Konstantinovka
Civil-military administration will not be created in Konstantinovka
The chairman of the Donetsk Regional State Administration answered the question about this.
Ministry of Defense has published a map of mined areas
Ministry of Defense has published a map of mined areas
Information map was developed in order to reduce the number of accidents.
Scholarships for gifted students and size of prize fund for talented teachers were approved in Pokrovsk
Scholarships for gifted students and size of prize fund for talented teachers were approved in Pokrovsk
At the regular session of the city council, Marina Golub, the head of the city education department, proposed to approve the provisions on holding the city competition “Teacher of the Year” in a new format by raising the amount of monetary reward to the winners.
US Department of State approves military deals amounted to $ 70 billion
US Department of State approves military deals amounted to $ 70 billion
Most weapons were ordered by the countries of Europe. 31 contracts worth $ 37.34 billion were approved for them.
Why do pensioners of Ukraine need a QR code?
Why do pensioners of Ukraine need a QR code?
By making an appointment for an electronic queue, the client will receive an appointment with a specialist at his chosen time, without waiting in line.
Frosts are expected in the Donetsk region
Frosts are expected in the Donetsk region
A sharp decrease in temperature in the region is predicted this Saturday, October 6th. Frosts are expected both on the ground and in the air. Without precipitation.
Mass business checks will be started in Ukraine
Mass business checks will be started in Ukraine
First of all, the inspection threatens those enterprises where the majority of employees receive the minimum wage, while the average for the country as of August 1, 2018 is 9 thousand 170 UAH.
Two more orphans will receive apartments in Kramatorsk
Two more orphans will receive apartments in Kramatorsk
During a session of the city council in Kramatorsk, deputies supported the draft decision, which deals with the acquisition of two apartments for orphans and children deprived of parental care.
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