Официальные новости Константиновки и Донецкой области | ZI.ua
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Schools of Konstantinovka are placed under quarantine
Schools of Konstantinovka are placed under quarantine
Forced vacations arose due to exceeding the epidemic threshold.
When will the EU tranche go to the state budget of Ukraine?
When will the EU tranche go to the state budget of Ukraine?
The first tranche of the fourth program of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine from the European Union in the amount of 500 million euros is expected in the middle of December.
Police are planning to increase the number of TruCam on the roads
Police are planning to increase the number of TruCam on the roads
Now the police have received six more devices that are planned to be used on roads with a high level of accidents.
Innovation for Ukrainians: domestic and international passports can be issued online
Innovation for Ukrainians: domestic and international passports can be issued online
Now this service is available only in Kyiv, but soon it will be possible to use it in other Ukrainian cities.
Checkpoints of the Donbass will switch to the winter schedule from December 1
Checkpoints of the Donbass will switch to the winter schedule from December 1
Starting from tomorrow, the checkpoints of the Donbass will operate according to a new schedule.
Patients were evacuated in Mirnograd due to chlorine poisoning ... by mock alert
Patients were evacuated in Mirnograd due to chlorine poisoning ... by mock alert
In the therapeutic building of the Central City Hospital of Mirnograd, training was conducted with the development of evacuation measures in case of chemical danger. This was reported by the deputy mayor Tamara Prokopova.
What has changed in the cities of Ukraine after the imposition of martial law?
What has changed in the cities of Ukraine after the imposition of martial law?
Several days have passed since martial law was imposed in 10 regions of Ukraine. Journalists of ZI on the example of Konstantinovka figured out what has changed over the past few days for city residents.
Fake document on the restrictions of the rights of citizens of Mariupol appeared on the Internet
Fake document on the restrictions of the rights of citizens of Mariupol appeared on the Internet
The city hall urged citizens not to succumb to provocations and take into account information from official sources.
Ukraine has closed entry for men from Russia at the age of 16-60 years
Ukraine has closed entry for men from Russia at the age of 16-60 years
Due to the martial law, Ukraine has closed entry for men with citizenship of the Russian Federation at the age of 16 to 60 years.
Local elections were canceled in 10 regions due to martial law
Local elections were canceled in 10 regions due to martial law
On November 29, the Central Electoral Commission recalled the restriction regarding the conduct of elections in JTCs (joint territorial communities). The ban applies to 10 regions of Ukraine. The reason is the imposition of martial law.
Budget of Pokrovsk increased by nine million UAH
Budget of Pokrovsk increased by nine million UAH
Of this amount, four and a half million will go to the socio-economic development of individual territories. About one and a half million UAH are intended for the construction of football fields with artificial covering (by means of co-financing of local and state budge...
Salary will be increased in self-organized committees of Mariupol
Salary will be increased in self-organized committees of Mariupol
At a session of the City Council of Mariupol, 36 out of 39 deputies voted for a salary increase for representatives of self-organized committees of the population, mariupolnews reported.
Gazprom may refuse to sign a contract with Naftogaz
Gazprom may refuse to sign a contract with Naftogaz
He believes that Gazprom may follow instructions from the Russian President Vladimir Putin and not sign contracts until the end of the elections in Ukraine.
A third of hospitals switched to martial law regime in Ukraine
A third of hospitals switched to martial law regime in Ukraine
It is noted that in these institutions there should be a supply of blood products, necessary medicines and a reserve of places in the departments and resuscitation.
Residents of Mariupol came to a peaceful rally against the situation in the Sea of Azov
Residents of Mariupol came to a peaceful rally against the situation in the Sea of Azov
Activists demanded the release of illegally imprisoned Ukrainian captured sailors, as well as to ensure free passage through the Kerch Strait of Ukrainian ships, to extend the authority of the OSCE mission in the Sea of Azov. Today, on November 29, a similar action is s...
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