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Bakhmut: Distance education has been introduced for children from the occupied territories
Bakhmut: Distance education has been introduced for children from the occupied territories
The schooling will be carried out through a special portal through which you can apply for enrollment.
Alexander Vilkul: “I am against turning Ukraine into one big “DNR” led by Governor-General Medvedchuk and his adjutant Boyko”
Alexander Vilkul: “I am against turning Ukraine into one big “DNR” led by Governor-General Medvedchuk and his adjutant Boyko”
The opposition leader stressed that negotiations with Moscow should be conducted on an equal footing, and not as a foreign tourist, like Boyko.
Mayor of Pokrovsk entered the top three mayors of 2018
Mayor of Pokrovsk entered the top three mayors of 2018
The best mayor of 2018 lives and works in Pokrovsk - now it was officially announced.
Social Services Office in Slavyansk will be equipped with a mobile office
Social Services Office in Slavyansk will be equipped with a mobile office
The corresponding issue was considered at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the City Council of Slavyansk.
Vilkul: The level of care for people with disabilities is an indicator of the level of humanity of power
Vilkul: The level of care for people with disabilities is an indicator of the level of humanity of power
On Monday, March 25, 2019, Alexander Vilkul spoke as an organizer and took part in the All-Ukrainian conference “Education of children with mental disabilities. Rights and problems”. For many years Alexander Vilkul's charitable foundation “Ukrainian Perspective” has bee...
Kramatorsk received state subventions for the needs of students and preschoolers
Kramatorsk received state subventions for the needs of students and preschoolers
During the regular session of the city council, state subventions for the needs of future first-graders and children with special educational needs were taken into account in the city budget.
“Zolotoye” Checkpoint: the results of the first day of work
“Zolotoye” Checkpoint: the results of the first day of work
In total for the day of work, 142 people and 56 cars passed through the checkpoint.
"Zolotoye" Checkpoint will be opened this week
"Zolotoye" Checkpoint will be opened this week
On Sunday, March 24, it is planned to open “Zolotoye” Checkpoint in the Lugansk region.
Vilkul: Mariupol is the city- hard worker and it will live decently
Vilkul: Mariupol is the city- hard worker and it will live decently
For the support of Mariupol, Vilkul together with the city authorities, deputies, representatives of labor collectives and public organizations developed an Address Program.
Vilkul contacted the family of the woman who broke her leg during the attack on the tent in Nikolayev
Vilkul contacted the family of the woman who broke her leg during the attack on the tent in Nikolayev
Currently, Elena, who suffered as a result of the attack of the radicals, is in hospital.
Population in Ukraine is decreasing faster
Population in Ukraine is decreasing faster
In January of this year, the country's population declined by 30.5 thousand people, while a year earlier the figure was 21.5 thousand.
AFU received weapons, including two Turkish remote-piloted vehicles Bayraktar
AFU received weapons, including two Turkish remote-piloted vehicles Bayraktar
In addition to the two remote-piloted vehicles, the Armed Forces got more than 400 units of ground and air equipment.
Vilkul: “It is necessary to begin the implementation of the program on “New Industrialization”
Vilkul: “It is necessary to begin the implementation of the program on “New Industrialization”
Alexander Vilkul met with the staff of the Zaporizhzhya Thermal Power Plant in Energodar, Zaporizhzhya region.
Ukraine imposed new sanctions against Russia
Ukraine imposed new sanctions against Russia
294 legal and 848 individuals who participated in the aggression against Ukraine were put under the sanctions.
After a long overhaul, pupils returned to a new hub school in Slavyansk
After a long overhaul, pupils returned to a new hub school in Slavyansk
The long-awaited opening of hub school No. 13 took place in Slavyansk. Teachers, children and parents have been waiting for this event about two years. In general, about 100 million UAH were spent on the reconstruction of the school and equipping it with everything nece...
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