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Vilkul gave a scandalous interview with Gordon - told about a secret trip to LNR and what he thinks about Poroshenko and Zelensky. Video
Vilkul gave a scandalous interview with Gordon - told about a secret trip to LNR and what he thinks about Poroshenko and Zelensky. Video
Alexander Vilkul, the presidential candidate from the "Opposition bloc", in an interview with the famous journalist Dmitry Gordon described a little-known fact of his biography. In 2014, Vilkul learned that his friend from Krivoy Rog, Lieutenant Colonel of the National ...
Architectural tour of Milan was presented to students of the Donbass by the Borys Kolesnikov Fund
Architectural tour of Milan was presented to students of the Donbass by the Borys Kolesnikov Fund
From March 12 to March 15, Ukrainian students spent unforgettable days in the northern capital of Italy. The trip was organized by the Borys Kolesnikov Charity Fund as part of the “Architect-2019” educational project.
Robbery was committed in Konstantinovka
Robbery was committed in Konstantinovka
The robber liked the smartphone worth 6 thousand UAH.
Family of policemen got caught taking money in the Donetsk region
Family of policemen got caught taking money in the Donetsk region
Two policemen were taking bribes while on duty.
Third accident over the day in Mariupol: a car crashed into a share taxi
Third accident over the day in Mariupol: a car crashed into a share taxi
Skoda car crashed into a passenger bus in Mariupol.
Students from Sumy visited food factories in the Donetsk region
Students from Sumy visited food factories in the Donetsk region
Students of Sumy National Agrarian University at the invitation of the Borys Kolesnikov Fund visited the best food factories of the Donbass.
New trolleybuses were put into operation in Kramatorsk
New trolleybuses were put into operation in Kramatorsk
Kramatorsk began to receive new trolleybuses "Dnepr T203" with an independent course, 6264 reports with reference to CFTS.
Vilkul: “It is necessary to change the legislation and make our sea ports economically attractive”
Vilkul: “It is necessary to change the legislation and make our sea ports economically attractive”
30% of maritime borders, access to the Black Sea and the once-powerful port infrastructure would allow Ukraine to occupy a leading position in shipping and international trade for many years.
Vilkul: “This system can only be defeated by a complete reboot of the power”
Vilkul: “This system can only be defeated by a complete reboot of the power”
Alexander Vilkul, the Presidential candidate from the OPPOSITION BLOC, on the air of one of the Ukrainian TV channels commented on the scandal with the purchase of parts in Ukroboronprom, as well as bribes to law enforcement agencies.
Iodine and brilliant green of one of the manufacturers were banned in Ukraine
Iodine and brilliant green of one of the manufacturers were banned in Ukraine
Pharmacies and hospitals are prohibited from storing, selling and using 18 preparations of one of the Ukrainian manufacturers.
Environmental tax - to local budgets: the relevant committee of the Rada supported the initiative of the OPPOSITION BLOC
Environmental tax - to local budgets: the relevant committee of the Rada supported the initiative of the OPPOSITION BLOC
According to Dmitry Kolesnikov, local communities should become stronger, and more funds should be left in the budgets of cities. “But now the opposite is happening. Cities are forced to send huge funds from local budgets for the maintenance of hospitals, salaries of sc...
United Nations Children's Fund sent 108 tons of humanitarian supplies to the Donbass
United Nations Children's Fund sent 108 tons of humanitarian supplies to the Donbass
The United Nations Children's Fund “UNICEF” sent humanitarian supplies to the Donbass with a total weight of 108 tons.
Ukraine resumed construction of fences on the Russian-Ukrainian border
Ukraine resumed construction of fences on the Russian-Ukrainian border
To date, the "Wall" project has been implemented by almost 50%.
Dobropolye is participating in a competition for a grant to create housing for IDPs
Dobropolye is participating in a competition for a grant to create housing for IDPs
Within the framework of the competition, objects are selected on the basis of which housing for IDPs will be created.
Vilkul: “Mikhail Zhvanetsky should obtain the title of Hero of Ukraine”
Vilkul: “Mikhail Zhvanetsky should obtain the title of Hero of Ukraine”
"Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky is a legend both for the Soviet Union and for our country."
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