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Red Cross sent humanitarian aid to the Donbass
Red Cross sent humanitarian aid to the Donbass
5 trucks with humanitarian supplies from the International Committee of the Red Cross drove to the temporarily occupied territories of the Donbass through the Novotroitskoye Checkpoint.
Almost half of high-rise buildings are ready for winter in Konstantinovka
Almost half of high-rise buildings are ready for winter in Konstantinovka
As of July 10, 176 of those already have readiness passports. That is, electricity, gas and water supply systems work well there.
OSCE monitors told about the death of civilian from Chermalyk from fragmentation wounds
OSCE monitors told about the death of civilian from Chermalyk from fragmentation wounds
The wounds of a 49-year-old civilian were fatal.
Cabinet of Ministers launched the e-pension service
Cabinet of Ministers launched the e-pension service
A government decree provides for the introduction of online pension services.
Mariupol signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Worldwide Network of Port Cities
Mariupol signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Worldwide Network of Port Cities
This is the first city of Ukraine, which concluded an agreement with French partners.
Alexander Vilkul: “The OPPOSITION BLOC is ready to vote for laws protecting the Ukrainian people”
Alexander Vilkul: “The OPPOSITION BLOC is ready to vote for laws protecting the Ukrainian people”
The OPPOSITION BLOC faction in the Verkhovna Rada is ready to arrive at an extraordinary meeting of parliament.
Arrest of Ukrainian sailors was extended for three months
Arrest of Ukrainian sailors was extended for three months
At the moment, the investigation of the case is completed, the defendants and lawyers began to get acquainted with the case materials.
More than 1.4 thousand thefts of personal property of citizens were committed over half a year in the Donetsk region
More than 1.4 thousand thefts of personal property of citizens were committed over half a year in the Donetsk region
Often, in the offseason, country houses become objects of thefts. Sometimes criminals track down an object for days and weeks, sometimes act spontaneously when they see a dilapidated door or a window that is not tightly closed.
Five accidents occurred over a day in Mariupol
Five accidents occurred over a day in Mariupol
The police say that the reason for the increase in the number of accidents was driving while intoxicated and the bad weather that is observed today in the city.
Gas tariffs in July are different for different regions of Ukraine
Gas tariffs in July are different for different regions of Ukraine
The cost of gas in Ukraine for consumers is reduced every month.
UN will allocate $ 5 million to improve security in the Donbass
UN will allocate $ 5 million to improve security in the Donbass
On June 15 in Ukraine, a new project was launched under the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Program, with financial support from the Netherlands, designed to improve public safety and access to justice in the Donbass.
Borys Kolesnikov: “Youth of the Donbass should get a decent education”
Borys Kolesnikov: “Youth of the Donbass should get a decent education”
Decent education and the creation of new jobs will allow young people in the Donetsk region to stay in their homeland, and not to look for a better life abroad, the opposition leader Borys Kolesnikov assures.
17 villages are left without electricity and 250,000 consumers are left without water in the Donbass
17 villages are left without electricity and 250,000 consumers are left without water in the Donbass
Today, on Tuesday, July 16, 17 villages in Konstantinovsky, Mariiinsky, Pokrovsky and Yasinovatsky districts were completely or partly left without electricity.
OPPOSITION BLOC registered a bill abolishing language law
OPPOSITION BLOC registered a bill abolishing language law
The authors of the bill were the deputies from the OPPOSITION BLOC Vadim Novinsky, Alexander Vilkul, Yevgeniy Murayev.
Ukraine has become one of the main suppliers of doctors for the Czech Republic
Ukraine has become one of the main suppliers of doctors for the Czech Republic
According to the member of the Medical Chamber, Michal Jay, the flow of doctors from these countries is caused by the worst state of medicine in their homeland.
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