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Report of the Joint Forces Operation for August 14: militants fired 46 times at positions of the AFU
Report of the Joint Forces Operation for August 14: militants fired 46 times at positions of the AFU
Over the past day, 46 shootings of Ukrainian positions were recorded, including 10 times from heavy weapons, 1 Ukrainian serviceman was killed, and 3 were wounded.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, August 15
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, August 15
Updated information.
Further cooperation of the region with the USAID was discussed in Kramatorsk
Further cooperation of the region with the USAID was discussed in Kramatorsk
The meeting of the head of the region Alexander Kuts with the delegation of the US Agency for International Development took place in Kramatorsk, in the building of the Regional State Administration. During the meeting, the issues of further development and cooperation ...
Who of the residents of Konstantinovka needs to report immediately in the Social Services Office?
Who of the residents of Konstantinovka needs to report immediately in the Social Services Office?
Two thousand residents of Konstantinovka may not receive their several hundred UAH if they do not appear in the Social Services Office by the end of the month.
Shkolnaya Street in Kramatorsk will be repaired until the end of the year
Shkolnaya Street in Kramatorsk will be repaired until the end of the year
Road repair work continues in Kramatorsk, as was reported today during a hardware meeting.
How much does it cost to dress first-graders in Mariupol?
How much does it cost to dress first-graders in Mariupol?
And this is only the beginning, because school will begin collections for school and class funds, printed copybooks and other edifying materials, and in a couple of months one will need warm jackets, caps and boots.
Pension Fund of Mirnograd moves due to repairs
Pension Fund of Mirnograd moves due to repairs
While the major repair of the internal premises lasts, the work of the management will be carried out at: Lisa Chaikina Street, 32 (boarding school).
IMF mission will arrive in Ukraine
IMF mission will arrive in Ukraine
The IMF mission will visit Kiev from 6 to 19 September 2018 to discuss the latest economic developments and economic policy.
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, August 14
Situation at checkpoints in the Donetsk region today, August 14
Updated information.
Ulyana Suprun told about the course of medical reform
Ulyana Suprun told about the course of medical reform
The joint press conference of the Governor of the Donetsk region Alexander Kuts and the acting Minister of Healthcare Ulyana Suprun took place in Kramatorsk, in the building of the Regional State Administration.
Konstantinovka will spend 2.5 million UAH to buy new traffic lights
Konstantinovka will spend 2.5 million UAH to buy new traffic lights
The essential modernization will concern the traffic lights at two intersections: at the intersection of Lomonosova Avenue and Europeyskaya Street, as well as Lomonosova Avenue and Bohdan Khmelnitsky Street
Druzhkovka is fighting with disguised employment
Druzhkovka is fighting with disguised employment
The work is carried out to identify disguised employment of the population in the city, payment of envelope salaries and violations in the sale of excisable products.
Why fish died in the Sea of Azov: 5 versions
Why fish died in the Sea of Azov: 5 versions
While the state laboratory investigates sea water samples and establishes the cause of the large discards of fish on the beaches of Mariupol, the residents of city put forward in the social network their own versions of the mass death of goby fish.
Will the payment of pensions be delayed in August?
Will the payment of pensions be delayed in August?
Oleksandr Okhrimenko, the President of the Ukrainian Analytic Center, believes that there may be delays.
Turkey moves to settle in national currency
Turkey moves to settle in national currency
Turkey is preparing to settle in national currency with its largest trading partners, including Ukraine, China, Russia and Iran.
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