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A third of hospitals switched to martial law regime in Ukraine
A third of hospitals switched to martial law regime in Ukraine
It is noted that in these institutions there should be a supply of blood products, necessary medicines and a reserve of places in the departments and resuscitation.
Mariupol will spend 14 million UAH on school toilets in 2019
Mariupol will spend 14 million UAH on school toilets in 2019
The authorities of Mariupol plan to put in order the sanitary facilities in nine educational institutions of the city next year. For this purpose, the city will allocate 14 million UAH. This was announced at the session of the city council, reports mrpl.city.
Residents of Mariupol came to a peaceful rally against the situation in the Sea of Azov
Residents of Mariupol came to a peaceful rally against the situation in the Sea of Azov
Activists demanded the release of illegally imprisoned Ukrainian captured sailors, as well as to ensure free passage through the Kerch Strait of Ukrainian ships, to extend the authority of the OSCE mission in the Sea of Azov. Today, on November 29, a similar action is s...
Storm warning announced in southern and eastern regions of Ukraine
Storm warning announced in southern and eastern regions of Ukraine
On November 29 and 30, a strong wind is expected in the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, a storm warning has been announced.
Red Cross sent humanitarian supplies to the Donbass
Red Cross sent humanitarian supplies to the Donbass
24 trucks with humanitarian supplies from the International Committee of the Red Cross crossed the Novotroitskoye Checkpoint
Incidence of influenza continues to grow in Ukraine
Incidence of influenza continues to grow in Ukraine
10.7% remained before the epidemiological threshold.
Rules of payment for electricity will be changed from January in Ukraine
Rules of payment for electricity will be changed from January in Ukraine
The new order and new rules for the payment of electricity for Ukrainians will come into force on January 1, 2019.
A man died when crossing checkpoint in the Donbass
A man died when crossing checkpoint in the Donbass
It is known that the man and his wife crossed the border line from the uncontrolled Donbass. According to doctors, the cause of death was a blood clot, it was impossible to save a person’s life.
How will live Druzhkovka during the period of martial law?
How will live Druzhkovka during the period of martial law?
Today, on November 28, martial law has been declared in ten regions of Ukraine. Among them is the Donetsk region. In Druzhkovka it was discussed how the city would live in emergency conditions.
More than two thousand people fell ill with measles over the week in Ukraine
More than two thousand people fell ill with measles over the week in Ukraine
The incidence of measles continues to grow in Ukraine – 2,138 cases were registered over the past week.
Three people were injured in an accident in Mariupol: a 15-year-old girl is in serious condition
Three people were injured in an accident in Mariupol: a 15-year-old girl is in serious condition
The girl walked around the bus standing at the bus stop, entered the roadway and got under the wheels of the Geely car. As a result of the accident, the girl got serious injuries. At the moment she is in the hospital.
How officials in the Donetsk region laundered hundreds of millions UAH
How officials in the Donetsk region laundered hundreds of millions UAH
By their actions, “businessmen” caused damage to the state by more than 960 million UAH.
Poroshenko signed a law approving the decree on the imposition of martial law
Poroshenko signed a law approving the decree on the imposition of martial law
Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, has signed a law approving the decree “On imposition of martial law in Ukraine,” – the presidential press secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko said.
Where to complain if your rights are violated during martial law?
Where to complain if your rights are violated during martial law?
Two phonelines work around the clock for residents of the Donbass.
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada signed the law on martial law in Ukraine
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada signed the law on martial law in Ukraine
The law has been submitted to the President for signature.
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