Will there be enough coal and gas reserves in Ukraine?

Since October 1, gas will rise in price for industry, followed by for the population.

The heating season in Ukraine usually begins on October 15th. However, local authorities can regulate it if the weather is too hot or out of season cold.

How much gas and how much coal?

To pass the heating season without a contract for the transit of Russian gas, Naftogaz of Ukraine increased its plans for the purchase of gas in storage, KP in Ukraine reported. If earlier it was a question of 20 billion cubic meters, now it is a question of 21 billion in underground storages. This is almost 4 billion more than last year

Most likely, they will be able to pump such a volume of gas for the time remaining before the heating season in Naftogaz. As of September 22, there were already almost 20 billion cubic meters in storage. Experts say this should be enough if winter is not too frosty.

It’ll be harder with coal. At the end of August, many experts spoke about a possible crisis due to a shortage of fuel at thermal power plants. After all, coal is needed to generate electricity during the peak hours of the power system.

If at night Ukraine costs electricity from nuclear power plants, then in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to launch TPP units in order to compensate for the shortage of electricity generating capacities. In some areas, TPPs also operate on coal - at such stations, heat is generated along with electricity.

Ukraine has already begun the heating season with small reserves of coal. This was in December 2014, and then there were rolling blackouts throughout the country. But in recent years there have been no such situations.

In September, the situation with stocks at TPPs improved slightly. In the warehouses, as of September 23, there are 1 million 72 thousand tons of fuel. This is much more than in early September.

Gas will rise in price in winter, experts say

Until the end of the day, September 25, Ukrainians can take advantage of the Naftogaz campaign and buy gas for heating at summer prices. In September, rates have been the lowest in recent times. But those who did not use the Gas Deposit may regret it.

After all, gas prices have already gone up. Since October, they will grow by 4.9-5.6% for industrial consumers. And that means, most likely, prices for the population will begin to rise. Most experts believe that in winter gas in Ukraine will rise in price by at least 25% from September indicators.