Why fish died in the Sea of Azov: 5 versions

While the state laboratory investigates sea water samples and establishes the cause of the large discards of fish on the beaches of Mariupol, the residents of city put forward in the social network their own versions of the mass death of goby fish.

Local residents named the 5 main causes of murrain of fish

While the state laboratory investigates sea water samples and establishes the cause of the large discards of fish on the beaches of Mariupol, the residents of city put forward in the social network their own versions of the mass death of goby fish. And most of the questions are caused by the fact that the murrain of goby fish is observed only on the coasts of Mariupol, local journalists report.

According to the official version, the fish died as a result of a lack of oxygen in the water. According to Grigory Zub, the head of the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Sea of Azov, the fish was badly affected by heat and lack of wind. He noted that in the past years, when the fish died, it was discarded to the edge of the Berdyansk spit, and this year the fish died near the coasts of Mariupol. In addition, the head said that only a small goby fish was thrown ashore, which sticks up for the version of the annual fish kill.

Supporters of this version are among the townspeople, but judging by the posts in the social network, people are perplexed how the fish kill in the absence of oxygen can be the local one.

The second version of the fish kill is the influence of the slag mountain on the coast of Mariupol. It was put forward by Maxim Borodin, the chairman of the Permanent Deputy Commission on Ecology. According to him, the mountain prevents the formation of the current.

In addition, Maxim Borodin does not rule out the impact of the production activities of Azovstal Iron & Steel Works. In particular, this concerns the water discharged into the sea by the integrated plant. For that, the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Sea of Azov assures that the indications for biological and radiological parameters are normal.

The third version is sea dumping of ​​dirty sewage, which after the rain rushes into the sea on the city beach in the area of ​​the hotel called “Tourist”.

Another version is the rain, which took place at the beginning of the week before the fish kill. Some townspeople tend to believe that it was a “chemical” rain. As proof, one of the women of Mariupol provided a photograph of the mass murrain of carp in the private pond with such an aerator that enriched water with oxygen.

And as a final version, local journalists summarized all the factors that could affect this situation on the beaches of the city. At the same time, dead fish are removed daily on the beaches of the city. These fish produce an inexpressible smell spreads across the whole coast of the city.