Who in the Donetsk region has an average salary of more than 27,000 UAH?

In August, working citizens of the Donetsk region received an average of 73 UAH less than in July.

Information on the average salary in August in the Donetsk region has just appeared on the website of the regional statistics department. Compared to July, it decreased by 73 UAH and amounted to 11,937 UAH. As usual, we are in second place after Kyiv, where workers received an average of 15 694 UAH in the last month of summer.

The financial superiority in the Donetsk region by a large margin is held by employees of enterprises for the production of coke and petroleum products. In August they were paid 27 192 UAH. Metallurgists received 17 196 UAH, food workers - 16 945 UAH, civil servants - 16 013 UAH.

The average salary of miners in August amounted to 14 946 UAH, financiers - 13 544 UAH, machine builders - 13 224 UAH. From August 10,000 to 13,000 UAH were paid to trade workers, builders, transport workers and chemists.

And in August, workers of light industry, agriculture, education, as well as doctors and social workers received an average salary of 6.8 thousand UAH to 8.5 thousand UAH.