Weather in Donetsk region on the 25th of September

On Tuesday, September 25, the weather in the Donetsk region is expected to be cool. Throughout the day, the sky will be covered with clouds. In the early morning it is possible to face rain, which will last until noon.

On Tuesday, September 25, the weather in the Donetsk region is expected to be cool. Throughout the day, the sky will be covered with clouds. In the early morning it is possible to face rain, which will last until noon.

In the morning the temperature will be +10 degrees, throughout the day it will rise and rise to +14 degrees in the daytime. By the end of the day, the temperature will drop slightly and will be +9 degrees.

During the whole day, the west and north-west winds will prevail. The air velocity will be from 3.9 to 5.2 m / s.

On September 25, the memory of the holy Autonomus (Artamon), bishop of Italy, is honored. Animal life quickly freezes; autumn comes into its own rights. Our ancestors on that day studied the leaves of birches and recognized the future spring: if they turn yellow from the top – spring will be early, and if from the ground, then it will be late one.