Vilkul to Parubiy: “If you think you speak Ukrainian, you are mistaken” (video)

During the speech of Alexander Vilkul in the Verkhovna Rada, there was a curious squabble between the oppositionist and the speaker Andriy Parubiy.

At the end of his speech, Vilkul switched to Russian

During the speech of Alexander Vilkul in the Verkhovna Rada, there was a curious squabble between the oppositionist and the speaker Andriy Parubiy.

At the end of his speech, Vilkul switched to Russian (which, despite the statements of Parubiy, is not prohibited by the Law of Ukraine on Regulation of Work of the Verkhovna Rada).

Vilkul switched to Russian and said: “I appeal to people's deputies from all factions in parliament. I know there are reasonable people in all factions. Do not vote for language law. This law is not about supporting the state language. This is a law prohibiting speaking in any other language, except in everyday life...”

“I ask you to speak your state language!” - Parubiy shouted and turned off the microphone of Vilkul.

In order to continue the speech, Vilkul switched to Ukrainian. Parubiy turned on the microphone on the tribune and Vilkul noted:

“Andriy Volodymyrovich! If you think that the language you speak is Ukrainian, then you are very mistaken,” - which caused laughter in the hall.

Earlier, the specific pronunciation of the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament repeatedly became the brunt of jokes among many humorists, in particular the duet "Brothers Schumachery".