Ulyana Suprun told about the course of medical reform

The joint press conference of the Governor of the Donetsk region Alexander Kuts and the acting Minister of Healthcare Ulyana Suprun took place in Kramatorsk, in the building of the Regional State Administration.

The joint press conference of the Governor of the Donetsk region Alexander Kuts and the acting Minister of Healthcare Ulyana Suprun took place in Kramatorsk, in the building of the Regional State Administration.

Ulyana Suprun came to the Donetsk region together with representatives of the Ministry of Healthcare to talk with representatives of the region and Kramatorsk about how the medical reform is going on here. According to Ulyana Suprun, the Donetsk region has something to praise, as now the region is in sixth place in terms of the number of declarations with family doctors. To date, already 45% of the population have chosen specialists for themselves and signed all the necessary documents with them.

In addition, the acting Minister of Healthcare told that nine primary care centers have already signed agreements with the National Health Service at that moment, and they will receive money on new financing. In total, there are 33 municipal primary health care institutions in the Donetsk region and they must sign contracts with the second wave. Thanks to new financing, the quality of medical care will be changed significantly, and salaries for doctors and nurses will be also increased.

Also, Ulyana Suprun stressed that a systemic approach to the solution of the problem is needed to provide high-quality medical services. One of the factors that can affect the level of medical care is bad roads. During the meeting she appealed to the Governor of the region Alexander Kuts with a request to take a closer look at the repair of roads, especially in remote areas, because doctors should quickly get to the patients in order to provide prompt assistance.

Speaking about the work of the First Aid, Ulyana Suprun drew attention to the fundamental difference between emergency care and rescue emergency care. According to her, now the specialists of the First Aid go to non-core calls in most cases, this should be changed thanks to the reform. The reform of emergency care will somewhat remind the reform of the new police. New vehicles and equipment will also be purchased there, the approach to work with people will be changed; thorough training and retraining of employees will be carried out: “This is a long process, but it will definitely give its results,” – Ulyana Suprun assured.

As a result of the emergency care reform, people will be able to receive quality services even in the most remote areas. New vehicles will come quickly, and doctors will be able to provide more services, thanks to a change in the quality of service and the purchase of new equipment.

The quality of service will also be changed in the centers of primary health care, due to a change in the approach to financing. Now all the costs will be paid in an overall tariff for services, which will include medicines, supplies, services, a doctor's salary, although for today all this has to be paid separately.