The Ministry of Healthcare is against the holding of school assembly

The Ministry of Healthcare claims that school assemblies can harm both physical and mental health of people.

The department believes that school assemblies is harmful to health

The Ministry of Healthcare claims that school assemblies can harm both physical and mental health of people.

According to the department, children lose consciousness at school assemblies; they can get a heat stroke, sunburn and even an infection.

“A child can get a heat stroke or a skin burn, lose consciousness, start vomiting, feel disoriented in sunny weather. Standing in the rain is also harmful for health,” – the Ministry of Healthcare explained.

According to doctors, the maximum activity of dangerous ultraviolet rays, as a rule, falls precisely on the time of school assemblies (from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM). And only 15 minutes under such rays can cause skin cancer and vision disorders. In this case, a shadow does not provide for full protection from the sun. But holding an assembly in closed rooms can cause infection of schoolchildren.