The festival of robotechnics will be held in Kramatorsk

In the Palace of Culture and Technology: Novokramatorsky Machine Building Plant, a spectacular educational event will take place in Kramatorsk – the Regional children's robotics festival “RoboShіd”.

In the Palace of Culture and Technology: Novokramatorsky Machine Building Plant, a spectacular educational event will take place in Kramatorsk – the Regional children's robotics festival “RoboShіd”.

Schoolchildren and students from different cities of the Donetsk region will take part in the event. They will demonstrate their skills in the field of robotics and boast of their main achievements.

Guests of the festival will be able to look at the spectacular competition in robot football, slalom and even robo-sumo! In addition, the program includes presentations of participating teams, during which children will tell you what important problems of society can be solved with the help of robots.

Also, here will be a master class on designing and programming robots. It is be absolutely free to take part in it.

The festival will be held on June 3. The event is scheduled to start at 10:00.