Suprun dispelled another myth, describing the dangers of antibiotics

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause resistance to certain bacteria.

Ulyana Suprun, acting Minister of Health, warns Ukrainians not to take antibiotics that have not been prescribed by a doctor. This can cause the resistance to such drugs in bacteria.

On her Facebook page, she said: “Do not take antibiotics for prevention. Antibiotics are medicines that can be prescribed only by a doctor depending on the nature of the infection ... Unreasonable uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the resistance in bacteria. In response to drugs, bacteria change, become nontender to these drugs. This increases medical costs, hospitalization time, as well as the death rate. The best prevention of diseases is a balanced diet, exercise, vaccination and regular visits to your family doctor”.

She cited a number of examples where patients had uncontrollably used antibiotics for influenza and viral diseases.

Read also: Suprun proposes to cancel the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia.