Social Services Office of Druzhkovka moves due to reconstruction of the building

The creation of the social office in Druzhkovka was the reason for the temporary relocation of Social Services Office's employees to another building.

The Social Services Office will temporarily work at another address

The creation of a social office in Druzhkovka was the reason for the temporary relocation of the Social Services Office's employees to another building.

- The Social Services Office will temporarily not work at the address on Mashinostroiteley Street, 64, due to reconstruction of the second and third floors of buildings, roof repair, winterization and land improvement. The Office asks residents of the city to be receptive to temporary inconveniences, - Galina Nebogatikova, the head of Social Services Office, said.

Since today, the Office is moving to the building of the former library named after Nestayko (Kosmovavtov Street, 51). Reception of citizens at the new address will be carried out from Tuesday, June 19. The electronic address of the Social Services Office remains the same.

- Those citizens, who were given ticket for submitting applications for a summer subsidy, will be accepted first, without receiving new tickets on June 19, - Galina Nebogatikova said.