Police of Bakhmut inspected 70 share taxis

Violation of transportation rules was detected in every tenth share taxi, administrative protocols were drawn up for drivers.

Violations were recorded in every tenth minibus, photo of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in the Donetsk region

According to the police department of Bakhmut, now the operation “Carrier” is conducted in the region. Therefore, for a week law enforcement officers have been checking the drivers of share taxis and buses with documents permitting transportation of passengers, as well as inspecting the transport for its technical serviceability.

The police check the condition of the tires, evaluate the operation of the instruments, and investigate the conditions of storage of transport. It is important for law enforcement officers how the doctors’ control is organized for the health of drivers, when they leave on the line.

Since the beginning of the operation, the police have already checked more than 70 buses daily serving passengers. According to the law, seven drivers will have to pay a penalty for transporting passengers above the permissible rate, poor technical serviceability of share taxis and ignoring the rules of transportation.

As the police department noted, such control is very important now, when the number of accidents with deaths and injuries of people has increased in the region. In order to reduce the tragic deaths on the roads and road accidents, law enforcement officers first decided to work with those who are responsible for the lives of passengers on a daily basis.