Most Ukrainians support joining the EU

60% of our fellow citizens are  be in favor of Ukraine to become a member of the European Union.

More than half of the respondents who participated in the sociological survey of the Institute for Analysis and Forecasting, spoke in favor of Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

Such a message was made by Mikhail Peresunko, the executive director of the Kiev press service, during the presentation of the study.

“We noticed that there is a persistent tendency to increase the number of respondents who are in favor of joining the European Union. To date, according to our results, this figure is 59.4% of respondents,” – Peresunko said.

According to him, 17.1% of respondents raised voice against the fact that Ukraine joined the EU. At the same time, according to the survey findings, every tenth respondent would abstain from voting at such a referendum. That is, 10.7% would abstain, and another 12.8% found it difficult to answer.

“Regarding joining NATO's military-political bloc, we also notice a growing trend. Of course, the level of support is somewhat less than that regarding joining the European Union, but still it is extremely positive indicator that the number of those who support joining NATO, reaches almost half the population of Ukraine. 48.4% of respondents are ready to vote today for joining NATO,” – Peresunko said.

It was not indicated here whether the opinion of the population of the southeast of Ukraine was known. We’ll correct this omission.