EU urges Ukraine to pay pensions to residents of uncontrolled territories

It is necessary to ensure the fullness of rights, including the receipt of pensions for the citizens of Ukraine living in a territory temporarily not under Ukraine's control.

The European Union stressed the importance of provision all the rights of citizens of Ukraine living on the uncontrolled territory of the Donbass.

The statement on the results of the 20th EU-Ukraine summit in Barcelona says that the summit agree on the need to provide support to the most vulnerable people in the east of Ukraine, including internally displaced persons, and the importance of facilitating the citizens' movement along the border line and the movement of humanitarian goods.

In addition, the participants of the summit agreed that the citizens of Ukraine living on temporarily uncontrolled territory of Ukraine needed to ensure the fullness of their rights. In particular, it is about the realization of the right of residents to receive pensions. We talk about those who found themselves behind the border line.

As you know, the bills have already been registered in the Verkhovna Rada. They presume the payment of pensions to all citizens of Ukraine on both sides of the border line, without linking citizens' registration to payments. But so far not one of these laws has been adopted.

According to the association of Ukrainian analysts “Kalmius Group”, according to a survey of GfK Ukraine, 60% of Ukrainians support the idea of paying pensions to residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which are behind the border line.