Druzhkovka will receive half a million UAH for the implementation of social projects

Under the social partnership with the city budget, VESKO Company will allocate 500,000 UAH to improve the social sphere of the city. What exactly financing will go on is still unknown. The winning project will be determined on a competitive basis.

Evgeny Tsymarman presented the project “The City with Our Own Hands” to the residents of Druzhkovka

Under the social partnership with the city budget, VESKO Company will allocate 500,000 UAH to improve the social sphere of the city. What exactly financing will go on is still unknown. The winning project will be determined on a competitive basis. 

VESKO is a permanent partner of the city. Every year, the clay mining company allocates funds for the implementation of social projects. So, a favorite place for lovers, a skate park, new stop pavilions appeared for a few years in Druzhkovka. Last year, the company decided to sponsor projects prepared by residents of the city. On a competitive basis, out of 17 projects, 4 were chosen and allocated with funds on their implementation. These include: a place for recreation in the courtyard of the Technical College of Druzhkovka: Donbass State Engineering Academy (DSEA), a class-transformer in Teaching and Educational Complex № 4, the purchase of equipment for a media center in school № 12 and the School of Arts.

This year, VESKO conducts the social project “City – with our own hands” on the same conditions. The prize fund of the project is 500 thousand UAH. On May 18, the presentation of the project took place at school № 17, where the attendees were able not only to learn more about the conditions of the contest, but also to ask their questions.

- The goal of the project is, first of all, to unite the community, to increase the activity of the residents of Druzhkovka and to give an opportunity to change something in the city. If earlier we jointly decided with the city authorities, which is most important for Druzhkovka, then in 2017 we decided to transfer this initiative to the residents themselves. Last year, the main emphasis in the selection of projects was given to the education sector, this year we will consider any social projects. Particular preference will be given to projects that will be able to cover the largest number of citizens, – Evgeny Tsymarman, VESKO's general director said.

Organizations and institutions that have a legal entity can participate in the competition. Groups of initiative citizens can also take part in cooperation with official representatives. The only condition is that a legal entity should have a social character.

The projects will be accepted until June 1, and after 12 days the selected proposals will be presented to the community. The preliminary announcement of the results is the 4th of July.