Borys Kolesnikov: “Support of Education is the investment in the future of Ukraine”

The Borys Kolesnikov Foundation helped the Uman National University of Horticulture equip a modern classroom by providing computers and software.

This was stated by Borys Kolesnikov, the Prime Minister of the opposition government, summing up the meeting with students of the Uman National University of Horticulture.

Borys Kolesnikov

Education is one of the most important areas of charity. This is an investment in the future of Ukraine. And I am not the only one who involved in it. There are many entrepreneurs who pay attention to youth.

“We talked with the guys that knowledge determines their future. Fundamental knowledge, especially in the food industry and agriculture, will make them successful, self-sufficient and independent people. And if they are such, then Ukraine will be successful,” – the Prime Minister told about the meeting with students.

The Borys Kolesnikov Foundation helped the Uman National University of Horticulture equip a modern classroom by providing computers and software.

“We are creating a decent material and technical base for the children to have access to the world's information resources. Then everything depends on them. To achieve real success, you just need to make a little effort,” – Borys Kolesnikov said.